Wisdom’s blink of an eye!
I was watching Vice Does America tonight and episode three focused on touring parts of the midwest. There was a section where they visited the Lakota Reservation in Rosebud, South Dakota; a place where the activist from the Great Sioux Nation are peacefully protesting the expansion of the Keystone XL pipeline.
This section of their visit ventures deeper into a discussion beyond the Keystone XL pipeline…it is a thought provoking conversation of color. A native indian activist Keith Fielder shares one of the wisest statements I have heard in a long while, one that will send me into a time of discernment, reflection of that is beyond spiritual evaluation.
This is just one small section of the 30 minute show, but I think you should watch the whole 2 minutes to contextualize the last quote, a quote that will have me pondering for days.
“If you look at all the universes, we are not even here for the blink of an eye. It is up to us…it is our responsibility to develop as much good as we can for our blink,” shares activist Keith Fielder.
I hope you watch this section…it is a pretty powerful conversation.