I finally received the best #fathersday present, a picture with Sarah, Rose, George, and Henry! It is hard to believe this little family has now grown to five. Thankful to everyone in our “village” who has helped us along the way! #bestfathersdayever #twinslife #nicu
Saturday was one week! George and Henry are officially one week old! Sarah and I were able to give them a bath for the first time, and I truly cherished this moment.
This is my new badge of honor, my bracelets representing the twins. These are my tickets of entry into the NICU. At first, I found them completely annoying…getting in the way the first two days after George and Henry were born.
Henry and I spent some time this morning…hanging out during his morning feeding. He was really tired this morning, so I let him lay on my chest while getting his morning milk. I love listening to him breathe and sometimes make sounds like a little mouse. #twinslife #nicu
Ole George gave us a smile this morning, right before his 9am feeding. I love his little smiles and how he is showing his reaction to us holding him! #nicu #twinslife
One of my favorite images of Sarah and George! Her little talks with the boys has resulted in new milestones each day. I have enjoyed listening to her little talks and watching her expressions during these little moments in time! #nicu #twinslife
Hello all…here is a quick update! I apologize for the length, but I thought most people would want to know how the twins are progressing. I am thankful to Julie Thome Pickett and her openness to share Sadie Margaret’s story, empowering me to share George and Henry’s story. I am also thankful to GHS’s Children’s Hospital and all the staff in the NICU!
Soon…soon is never really soon enough?! Soon with a question mark is actually more appropriate. You can add so much to the question:
Soon? How soon? Soon, as in tomorrow, next week, next month?
Big thank you to GHS March of Dimes for this little gift! This made my day…seeing their little footprints on a baseball! #fathersday #twinslife