I have been thinking about Nigel’s #BeADad story this week!
I have been thinking about Nigel’s #BeADad story this week, a story of a committed working father and husband. His story has taught me so much about the intentionality of being a dad, the consistent commitment to being “present”. During his interview, this quote stood out…it resonated with me, “I think being present as a father is the key to fatherhood. I want them to know that no matter what, my dad’s always there.” Last night after reading books with Rosebud before bedtime, I shared with her my little secret. Each night after she falls asleep, I sneak in one more time to kiss her goodnight. She giggled! Well tonight, I snuck in before going to bed to kiss her good night. She kept herself awake to see if I was telling the truth; after kissing her goodnight she quietly said “I love you”. Nigel is so right, it is about being present, so they know no matter what their dad is always there!