#BeADad: Patrick Sapp and his role as a father.

I have never been so humbled and honored to feature Patrick Sapp as one of the dads in #ManUPstate’s #BeADad campaign. It seems like yesterday I was working for Clemson Football in the video department and Patrick was a young, rising quarterback for the Tigers. He could throw the football a mile and defenses had a hard time taking him down because of his size. But what I remember most was our friendship at Clemson. He was a player and I was a student working on the sidelines. We both came to Clemson at the same time and both left at the same time. Patrick ended up moving to the defensive side of the ball as a linebacker landing him a spot on the Arizona Cardinals roster. He was in Phoenix, Arizona playing while I was working for KPHO-TV downtown Phoenix. We connected out west and since then stayed in touch. Now we are both fathers, learning what it means to be dads. It was a honor to interview Patrick, capture his story, craft his story, and share a story of man who is trying to make a difference in young mens lives including his son. Keep a watch out for his #BeADad story! #Canon ##5dmarkiii

I have never been so humbled and honored to feature Patrick Sapp as one of the dads in #ManUPstate’s #BeADad campaign. It seems like yesterday I was working for Clemson Football in the video department and Patrick was a young, rising quarterback for the Tigers. He could throw the football a mile and defenses had a hard time taking him down because of his size.

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#BeADad – It is tough, it is a struggle; learning to be a dad.


Being a dad is tough…really tough. I have been in the middle of a wonderful campaign interviewing, capturing images of great dads and I am humbled. Each dad I capture…each man I interview…each image showcasing a dad and their children…I am reminded of my struggles.

I am at that age when many of my friends are starting to get divorced and it not only breaks my heart but it makes me even more disillusioned about my ability to break the cycle.

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#BeADad: Clayton Kale and Gretchen

Fatherhood is something that I am learning more and more about each day! Clayton Kale of @ymcagvl has an amazing relationship with his daughter and allowed us to capture his story and his perspective of fatherhood; specifically what it means to be a good man! Learn more about Clayton and the #ManUPstate #BeADad campaign by clicking here!

Fatherhood is something that I am learning more and more about each day! Clayton Kale of @ymcagvl has an amazing relationship with his daughter and allowed us to capture his story and his perspective of fatherhood; specifically what it means to be a good man! Learn more about Clayton and the #ManUPstate #BeADad campaign by clicking the link in my Instagram profile.

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