In the video, I basically look over some of the functions that I have been testing, but after taking on this project…I have had so much interaction about this craze over Android, Droid, DroidX, and on, and on, and on. I have more friends, fraternity brothers, and some random people calling for my opinions and thoughts. Some have even offered me money for the HTC Incredible…we know that is not going to happen. But, I have found a new community of advocates for a totally different platform other than my iPhone status-quo.
But here is my question…or thought, I am still trying to sift my way through all this branding mess. So when I was in Best Buy the other day, I asked the dude to explain a couple of things to me. How is Android different from Droid and DroidX? Two very similar branding conventions that have some things in common but totally separate brand. I have honestly been walking around this whole time, after seeing all the Droid commercials, thinking that Droid was just a shortened version (from a naming convention) of Android. I just began to realize that Android is the platform, Droid is a phone, and DroidX is the newer version of of the Droid. This is freaking confusing for someone who is the target market for Verizon…to entice to make the switch. I have to admit that Apple makes all this branding so freaking simple. I even learned that Motorola had to pay a butt load of money to Lucas Films to use the word “Droid.” That is a lot of money and I still had to get out a pen and paper to connect the dots for the Ah Ha moment.
OK, now that I have tackled that little conundrum. I do not care if people think I am an air-head, but Verizon and Motorola need to sit back and think through some of this branding…Android, Droid, DroidX…RoboCop please. I really do like my friends at Verizon and have enjoyed playing with the Incredible, I even want to buy one and sign-up for a package. Enough on the branding…that is a problem for the big daddy marketing company that has the big daddy contract.
Now on to the what else I found in Best Buy…a demo model of the DroidX. It is a non-functioning demo, but it gave me a chance to hold it and compare it side-by-side with the HTC Incredible and the iPhone4. The DroidX is bigger…well I think a lot bigger. Bigger screen size, bigger camera, bigger battery, bigger in width and height, and has a ridge in the back that props it up somewhat.
I just wonder what it is like to put it in your pocket and use it on a daily basis. I have also heard that Motorola might either lock down the “Root” or even encrypt the “Root” making it a lot harder for “hackers” to boost the performance and alter the settings. I even had one of my buddies tell me if he finds out the “Root” is encrypted then he will forgo the DroidX and just get the HTC Incredible.
My fraternity brother called me tonight and had a long conversation about the DroidX and he spent about an hour telling why the DroidX is going to ROCK. He then went on to remind me that since I am a video guy that the DroidX is going to not only be able to shoot HD Quality video but also immediately replay it with the HDMI out. That would be kind-of cool in a client meeting! Here is a link he sent me comparing the DroidX and the HTC Incredible.
Here are some pictures comparing the DroidX and HTC Incredible.