What does it really mean to implement agile storytelling?


This past June during the PRSA Southeastern Conference here in Greenville, SC…my friend Kevin Purcer of Erwin Penland led a discussion surrounding something he termed as “Agile Storytelling”. Much of his premise surrounded the ideas of what makes really good content and when should we share accordingly…I wanted to critically think through this idea.

Kevin specifically looks through the brand storytelling lens, creating narratives that represent the brand image, versus content curation storytellers leveraging narratives in real time for for sharing and engaging.

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Concerns of Auto-Pilot Mode of Scheduling, Digital Automation, and Digital Ad Buys


The time is now! Telling rich stories has become ever more important in the world of organic storytelling. It is providing a much needed balance to digital content marketing efforts inside agencies and inside organizations. With more and more access to digital marketing tools and automation, the temptation is to put more thrust behind reach rather than substance.

We are finding more and more groups and willing to jump the digital ad buys quickly and begin to ignore the far reaching sustainable efforts of organic storytelling they have built.

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