Home…is it a relative term that we can all identify?

Home…is it a relative term that we can all identify? Home means so many things to so many people. I think back when I was working in Phoenix, and people would ask…where is your home? I would say Clemson. Now, when people ask where is home, I say Anderson, SC. When I think of our home, I think of our 100 year old home. We think it is around 100 years old, at-least that is what the public records show…dating back to around the 1920’s. Rose and I were riding down the road the other day, she wanted to look at the pictures on my phone. She loves looking through some of the pictures I capture. Many times, she likes to find the funny videos of herself…watching them over and over. As she begins to swipe through the pictures, she stops to look at one in particular. She asks from the back seat, “Daddy, this person’s house looks old and has no roof.” I was wondering what she was talking about, what picture is she referring? To read the whole story and my response to Rosebud, go to the link in my bio.

Home means so many things to so many people. I think back when I was working in Phoenix, and people would ask…where is your home? I would say Clemson. Now, when people ask where is home, I say Anderson, SC.

When I think of our home, I think of our 100 year old home. We think it is around 100 years old, at-least that is what the public records show…dating back to around the 1920’s.

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Being a good neighbor for a more inclusive Anderson.

There is nothing better than a good ole fashion pounding, something I had never heard of before this past week.

“Pounding” is a tradition where a church family stocks the new pastor’s pantry and refrigerator with food. The custom dates back to the original Quakers

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