16 reasons you know your mom is a nurse! #NursesWeek

In honor of Nurses Week, I thought I would share a list…you know your mom is a nurse when:

1) Your birthday presents are wrapped with surgical tape.
2) You have not gone to your PCP in over two years.
3) You have slept in a hospital bed as a child.
4) You open the refrigerator and their is always a stock of flu shots.

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Happy Nurses Week: Building A Stronger Nursing Workforce for Tomorrow – Today. #NursesWeek

For over a year, I have been working on a project that has truly challenged and stretched my capabilities in new and exciting ways. I was part of a creative team who partnered with South Carolina Hospital Association (SCHA) to launch a national brand…and it was a lot of fun.

The for-profit arm of South Carolina Hospital Association previously known as Healthcare Staffing Services (HSS) was rebranded as Qualivis. This rebrand was necessary to further align the goals of HSS positioning the new Qualivis as a national provider of healthcare workforce solutions.

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