
[Gear In Review Podcast] GIR6 – Drones

Welcome to Gear In Review. Learn more about how we’ll be bringing reviews, recommendations and insights around the many gadgets, gizmos, and widgets used everyday to capture and tell stories inside hospitals.

In the last episode we explored handheld cameras; in this episode we are reviewing drones including two we use at Gray Digital Group made by DJI. We will review size, functionality, price, and use case for each drone. This is a great episode where we will have a guest, Gray Digital Group’s resident drone operator Mark Berry who is commercially licensed by the FAA.

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Aerial View: Demolition and Rebuilding Homes in Greenville


Blog Post by Mark Berry / Producer & Director for Gray Digital Group

The craft of telling visual stories differs from other disciplines in that it is forever married to the advancement of technology. If a writer possesses the necessary talent and vision, it makes little difference whether he uses Microsoft Word or a Quill pen and powdered ink. Visual storytelling is different. As technology advances, new horizons are opened up. New tools give us new ways of better constructing the narrative we hope to convey. This being the case, we are always on the lookout, keeping a watchful eye on the digital technology market.

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