Positive Culture of Sharing in #Healthcare


There is something awesome about these pictures…something so normal. This is my brother-in-law, sister-in-law and their children. They just had their third child. These pictures showcase their most recent appointment with the physician that delivered their third child, baby Miles.

Here we have one doctor’s visit with lots of smiles.

What makes these pictures so awesome, everyone in these images seem so comfortable, happy, and willing to have their pictures taken together. From the physician, the staff, the kids, everyone seems like family.

The role of the primary care physician, especially the physician that delivers a family’s child, is crucial to building a formative role in the health of a family. This is the entry gate for most hospitals. There is one thing that is hard to capture…images like these. Feeling completely unguarded, not worried about the technology, and willingness to share a moment in time…especially knowing these moments will be uploaded for all to see.

Before the days of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, and all the other social media outlets emerged…sharing moments like these could only be described in-person. Why am I sharing these moments…because we preach to our healthcare clients…if you create a positive culture of sharing…moments like these will naturally emerge.

Let’s unpack this moment!
How can we create a positive culture of sharing? How can we engage healthcare groups, hospitals, physician offices to engage in a positive culture of sharing? What does this mean?

I just finished training another department within one of our healthcare clients, and the one thing I stressed…create a positive culture of sharing. But before you can create this culture, you have to understand the rules, how the technology works, how images like these impact HIPAA, how to manage commenting, etc. This requires complete communication and transparency across the healthcare organization.

Not only do you have to engage, train, and have consistent conversations with all involved…but you have to listen to those who want to be a part of this social sharing opportunity. From physicians, residents, nurses, food workers, technicians, leadership, marketing, information technology, and so on; you have to talk about policy, procedure, technology, brand…but you also have to discuss the community and what a positive culture of sharing looks like.

Healthcare organizations have the greatest opportunity to engage happy faces like these.


I just love these pictures!