[Intersection Podcast] Episode 008 – Climbing for Water

David Vaughn of ClemsonA few years ago the people of Cange, Haiti needed water. Some of them had to walk a thousand feet down the mountain and climb back up lugging 40 pound buckets of water. Today a new system pipes clean water up the mountain and into Cange. A team of Clemson engineering students working with the Haitian partners helped make this happen.

Clemson Engineers For Developing Countries, CDEC, began in the fall of 2009 when seven students in civil engineering noticed that something was missing from their curriculum. CDEC designed a system that would filter out large contaminates, kill microbes and ultraviolet radiation and chlorine, and then transport the water through the village in new pipes buried underneath recently paved roads. It would be the first chlorinated municipal water system in the country of Haiti.

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This is one of the most wonderful #ClemsonMoments I witnessed while in Haiti!

This is one of the most wonderful #ClemsonMoments I witnessed while traveling with Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries to the little village of Cange in Haiti. Engineering student Ashley Martin was walking down to one of the flat areas in Cange to see what the rest of the group was doing. That is when many of the village children ran up to her and grabbed her hand to walk down. The whole trip, all the children gravitated to Ashley as they used laugher and smiles to replace the language barrier. There are so many moments that have happened in my travels to make me proud of my Clemson degrees, these moments reinforce the broader reach of the Clemson spirit!

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