[Intersection Podcast] Episode 015: We Need More “Skirt”

Shelley Hill Young of Skirt MagazineWe all just need a little bit more skirt in our life. Yes…Skirt! Many would feel that this is a male chauvinistic statement especially given the current political and social climate; but it is true. We need more Skirt…that is Skirt Magazine based in Charleston, SC.

“Skirt is all about women – their work, their play, families, creativity, style, health and wealth, bodies and souls. … skirt Is an attitude – spirited, independent, outspoken, serious, playful and irreverent, sometimes controversial, always passionate.”Skirt magazine is Charleston’s first women’s magazine, celebrating women with attitude since 1994. Shelly Hill Young is the executive editor and embodies everything that is Skirt.

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[Intersection Podcast] Episode 014: Miracle Baby

Jeff and Amory ConeDo you know someone who has experienced infertility? This is one of those tough subjects to talk about not only in mixed company but also around family. It took Sarah and I years to have Rose, and when she was born in 2011, we experienced a miracle especially after three miscarriages. Around the same time, I was helping Greenville Health System tell some amazing stories in celebration of their centennial. This is when I met Jeff and Amory Cone.

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[Intersection Podcast] Episode 010: Faith Journey

Nick Charalambous HeadshotIf you have ever met Nick…you are drawn in by his British accent and the inner desire to figure out how to spell his last name. Here is why, because you will never forget this man once you shake his hand, so you better know how to spell his last name.

Nick Charalambous is a man of many passions. He loves his work. He loves telling stories for the church he loves. He loves his wife. He loves Christ…and I believe this affection is one of many intersections you will find woven together inside this soft spoken man. Nick is a fellow storyteller, and it is time for his story to be told.

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[Intersection Podcast] Episode 009: Master Re-Builder

Marty Boardman HeadshotIn 1998 I was recruited by the Chief Photojournalist of KPHO-TV to join one of the best broadcast television visual storytelling teams in the United States. The moment I stepped off the plane in my black suit on a hot summer day in Phoenix, Arizona; Marty Boardman not only welcomed me in style but became one of my closest mentors and ultimately best man in my wedding.

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[Intersection Podcast] Episode 006 – Since John Got Sick

Allison Green - Since John Got SickFor anyone who has suffered a serious illness, whether personally or with a child; anyone facing the challenges of autoimmune disease; and any medical professionals who have worked to help them, Allison Greene has walked in these shoes.

I met Allison in 2013 while working on a story for the South Carolina Hospital Association advocating for the South Carolina’s Legislature to consider expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Her son’s story became a central focus of the story, one of heart, soul, trials and tribulations.

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