When it is the weekend before #Rosebud starts kindergarten, a princess tent bedtime is appropriate! Well…when the twins are “cut’n a shine” during bedtime, you will let your five year old do just about anything! #sleepingbeauty #twinslife #rettew5 #camerapapa
One of my favorite pictures from today is Dr. Hart holding George. George and Henry are two months old today, how appropriate for them to have their two month appointment the same day, August 10, 2017.
First of all, I can’t believe they are two months old. Second, if their were born on their original due date (July 31st), they would not even be two weeks old today. Here we are getting their two month shots.
Tonight was all hands on deck. Yes…it was time for the game face. I pulled out the face paint, got in three point stance, and was ready to roll.
Game time was 5pm…quitting time at work…game time at home. Sarah was already two steps out the door when I rolled up into the Rettew Ponderosa. Four nights in a row of non-stop feeding and late night shenanigans was the catalyst for the much needed escape.
I used to secretly make fun of people carrying their kids with these things. But after having twins along with a rambunctious five year old…I SCREAM UNCLE! Thanks to my sister for this guy! Now I can use my hands with the Babybjorn! #BOOMYAH #twinslife #rettew5
There is something special when you find a package sitting at your front door. For a moment, it is like Christmas came just a few months early. I love the feeling of seeing a brown box or soft package when I walk in our front gate as it rests, propped against the front glass door.
As I picked up the package, I noticed it was postmarked to Bobby, Sarah, Rose, George and Henry.