Empowering our tomorrow!
I was asked to speak to the Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity this past Wednesday and was I amazed by the turnout.
Last Spring I spoke to the group and there were only about 15 students that attended the meeting. But when I showed up on Wednesday night, I was overwhelmed by the turnout. I would say close to 60 students were in attendance to one of many Delta Sigma Pi recruiting events.
These aspiring, young entrepreneurs were dressed to impress. Not only did they have their business digs on…they had their conversation caps ready. The conversation for the night was networking, entrepreneurship, and leaving a lasting legacy.
They are our future. These students are the ones that will take care of my children. They will be the business leaders of tomorrow making decisions about my “Social Security”, my healthcare, my children’s tomorrow. Education is more than just education…it is about EMPOWERING our tomorrow. Empowering them to make their mark and create a lasting legacy.
I was thinking about legacy and what it means to leave your footprint. I gradated from Clemson twice, first in 1997 with a BS in Mathematics and then in 2003 with a MA in Professional Communications. As I was walking to my Business Writing Class…I found this…my name in the sidewalk here on Clemson’s Campus.