Today was a special day…I made a new friend! #prosthetics

Today was a special day…I made a new friend! When I met Chris, I knew this guy was a rambunctious boy full of life and a love for sports. But what I did not realize, is how he can change your view of how a little boy with special ability can exceed all predispositions and expectations. I first met Chris and his family a few months ago while researching a story. We were meeting children with lower limb amputees. I was worried about so many things, especially the possibility the children would be shy around a camera and would even shy away because of their prosthetics. From the moment I walked in the door, I knew Chris was, and is, awesome. Today as we followed him playing football, running with his two young siblings at the park, and even being fitted for a new socket…his eagerness to get up and play was ever so evident. His story is one that showcases the power resiliency, loosing the lower part of his leg at birth; the umbilical cord wrapped round his leg cutting off blood supply. To this day, he tells anyone that asks that can never remember having two feet. His matter of fact approach showcases his confidence as a young man. This evening, I shared this picture with Rosebud. I wanted her to meet a special young man who has a special ability. I wanted her to see that no matter your ability, we are all special and we have special gifts. His gift is one of confidence and stamina. He can throw the football and run circles around me. Rosebud asked how he could run with his special leg. We pulled up YouTube and found a video from the 2012 Paralympic Games, the mens 200 meter event. We sat and watched these men run with their “Cheetah” prosthetics, they are actually called the Flex-Foot Cheetah; developed by biomedical engineer Van Phillips, who had lost a leg below the knee at age 21. She was fascinated as these men glided across the screen. I am just fascinated with Chris as he glides across the screen in the viewfinder of our cameras. His story is special! We will be sharing his story soon as we investigate engineering’s grand challenges. #determinedspirit #canon #5dmkiii #prosthetics

Today was a special day…I made a new friend! When I met Chris, I knew this guy was a rambunctious boy full of life and a love for sports. But what I did not realize, is how he can change your view of how a little boy with special ability can exceed all predispositions and expectations.

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We did it…our first official outing as a family. #twinslife

We did it…our first official outing as a family. Now…we have taken the family to church numerous times, but that is not even a block from the house. This was a complete outing including a picnic dinner at Clemson’s Botanical Gardens, then to Clemson’s Bowman Field, and finally fireworks beside Clemson’s Baseball Stadium. It is Clemson Homecoming and it is our tradition to take the kids for a picnic at Clemson Botanical Gardens then off to Bowman Field to look at all the homecoming floats. We packed the car full of bottles, changes of clothes, two different strollers depending on how the twins would do, and lots of crazy shenanigans to make the night fun. It was a wonderful night capped off with front row seats to enjoy the fireworks display. Henry ate his bottle while the fireworks lit up the sky for his enjoyment. He was completely mesmerized with all the flashing lights. George on the other hand…he was not a fan. I looked up and Sarah was sitting in the car, holding George, watching the fireworks while trying to keep little George calm. But…it was so worth it…including the fireworks that were in the shapes of smily faces and hearts. There is nothing better than homecoming at Clemson. It is a tradition that my parents enjoyed taking my sister and myself when I was Rosebud’s age. We did all the same things from looking at the floats on Bowman Field to sitting in the stadium watching the fireworks. I was like George, scared of the loud fireworks. I would lay on the stadium seats and hold my ears. But…we did it…we made it. It was because we had lots of help from family and friends. This picture above is one of three pictures capturing the whole family. It took a lot to get us up the hill in front of this float for the picture. I climbed to the top, holding myself from sliding down while my dad passed both Henry and George into my hands. Sarah was trying to hold herself from sliding while corralling Rosebud and trying to get her to smile. 
We look happy…and we are; because sometimes you need a little crazy, a little fun, lots of help, and night on the town, Clemson Homecoming Style! #Clemson #Homecoming #WelcomeHome #twinslife

We did it…our first official outing as a family. Now…we have taken the family to church numerous times, but that is not even a block from the house. This was a complete outing including a picnic dinner at Clemson’s Botanical Gardens, then to Clemson’s Bowman Field, and finally fireworks beside Clemson’s Baseball Stadium.

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Happy 100th Birthday Colonel Ben Skardon! #ClemsonRing

Colonel Ben graduated Clemson as the class of 1938, but more important served in World War II. Not only did he serve, but he was a prisoner of war where he did something that seemed so insignificant but has left a tremendous legacy.

As a prisoner of war, he took part in the Bataan Death March,

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The 534 Club: Necessary Climb To Find Clean Water in Haiti

Water: The 534 Club
I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean… (Ezekiel 36:25).
Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. (John 7:37)

I did it…I have joined the 534 club in Cange, Haiti. Actually…I walked these stairs twice. I was nervous traveling back to Cange to capture our water story. I was anxious; anxious that I would not be able to climb these steps given our last trip. These steps almost got the best of me.

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Stories are made up of little micro-moments.

I have been thinking about this picture for a few days now. This little moment in time while hiking through the village of Cange. We had walked to the top of one of the peaks where a water cistern was located. As we were looking at the flowing water coming into the cistern, I heard a little baby crying.

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My freshman Clemson Football Jacket! is the rain jacket issued to me from Clemson Football my freshman year (1992) when working in the Clemson Athletic Video Services. Our office was in the old Jervey Ticket Office next to the vault. That department was originally created under Coach Ford in the late 80's to transition from film to video tape, specifically for faster film grading. I captured six years of football practices from 1991 - 1997, specifically middle drill, pass skeleton, and team defense. I started training my senior year in high school (91-92) when Coach Smiley Sanders recommended me to John Ballinger for the job! It is amazing to see how our offense and defense has changed over the years! I spent most of my time in Tower One (that is now wheee the new practice facility sits along with Tower. #GoTigers #AllIn

Yep…here is the rain jacket issued to me from Clemson Football my freshman year (1992) when working in the Clemson Athletic Video Services. Our office was in the old Jervey Ticket Office next to the vault. That department was originally created under Coach Ford in the late 80’s to transition from film to video tape, specifically for faster film grading. I captured six years of football practices from 1991 – 1997, specifically middle drill, pass skeleton, and team defense. I started training my senior year in high school (91-92) when Coach Smiley Sanders recommended me to John Ballinger for the job! It is amazing to see how our offense and defense has changed over the years! I spent most of my time in Tower One (that is now wheee the new practice facility sits along with Tower. #GoTigers #AllIn

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