Great Digital Approach to Zika Virus by Mayo Clinic #digitalhealth


This is one of the best updates from a hospital when it comes to the Zika virus. It comes from Mayo Clinic, and here is why it is works extremely well:

  1. It is simple!
  2. Dispels the myths
  3. Provides information in written and video form.
  4. It is sharable.
  5. It provides media outlets video content to download for use in broadcasts and online via the media section where they have to sign-in to download.
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Too Much Funnel…Need More Credibility – Tell Your Story


I have been thinking a lot lately about the business behind content and how it has become more important everyday to truly tell our story. We are finding more and more every day, content is your communications’ most equitable position; the more you tell, the more you share, the more you have in the content cue, the larger the brand bucket for your organization.

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What is “Good Content”?

So my friend Dr. V has tackled a question I  think many of us are trying to figure out: What is content?

He shares his thoughts (original blog post):

“Content is retrievable information that can be consumed. It’s stuff that can be heard, seen, shared, curated and commented upon.

Content is a human creation, something translated from the realm of the mind into some tangible form. This could be an idea shaped into a piece of writing or a scene uniquely captured as an image or video. The subjective process of translation is how the view of the mind’s eye becomes content.

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Leveraging new content verticals – Warren Buffett style #storytelling

Everyone wants to be a thought leader…every organization wants own their content verticals…but what are you really owning.

Why are “we” trying to own the content verticals that the populous hopes to conquer. Thought leaders, whether individuals or brands, want to be heard, want to connect, want people to join the conversation. But why try to own that popular conversation?

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What is “good” content? #storytelling

Have you thought through this before? When I asked a group of healthcare communication professionals to define content and “good” content…we recorded some interesting feedback.

So here are my thoughts:

Good Content – From 30K Feet
1) Creates the connected theater – How can we create an interactive experience so audience forgets they are watching and listening…yet feeling (movie theater analogy)?
2) Creates a connected voice – We can identify we each other…we speak the same language.

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Are we trapped in social content? #texture

Content curation is a big buzz word/phrase right now. Lots of neat technologies, innovations, and social channels to find, share, capture, explore, leverage…then re-share.

But are we getting a bit trapped? Just found this cool post on Social Media Examiner how to use Feedly, IFTTT, and Excel to find, share, and potentially categorize/curate content. Great little workflow for those of us trying to create streamlined workflows to aggregate great content, read, re-purpose, and re-share accordingly.

But…are we looking too much through the technological lens of “social.” Specifically…are we depending on a few things here:

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