
Church…are you a “member”, what a passé word! #rettew5 #twinslife

Have you ever wondered…what does it mean to be a member of a church. This is a common assumption, question, and phrase here in the southern part of the United States. This is usually the first question when you meet someone here in Anderson, SC; it is a part of the introduction pleasantries.

How are you?
My name is …
Nice to meet you …
What church do you go to?
Ok…we are members of this church.

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Coming up for air! #twinslife

I sit here this morning so scared to type what I am about to type. I am so superstitious…I worry these little moments of celebration are followed by more sheer madness

We are finding a rhythm and slowly finding sync in the twins life. For those that do know my family, we have a huge village of helpers…people that just have jumped in and given of their time, energy, efforts, resources…everything to help us learn how to take care of the twins. Once a week, my mom and nana come to our house, let us go to bed and sleep all night while they take care of the twins. In our world, we look forward to that night…it is like gold to us. Sleep is gold to us.

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6 Sticks, 2 Pricks, and 1 BIG MELTDOWN! #2MonthShots #TwinsLife

One of my favorite pictures from today is Dr. Hart holding George. George and Henry are two months old today, how appropriate for them to have their two month appointment the same day, August 10, 2017.

First of all, I can’t believe they are two months old. Second, if their were born on their original due date (July 31st), they would not even be two weeks old today. Here we are getting their two month shots.

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Mad Respect for the Mommas, Single Mommas, Twin Mommas…especially Sarah! #twinslife

Tonight was all hands on deck. Yes…it was time for the game face. I pulled out the face paint, got in three point stance, and was ready to roll.

Game time was 5pm…quitting time at work…game time at home. Sarah was already two steps out the door when I rolled up into the Rettew Ponderosa. Four nights in a row of non-stop feeding and late night shenanigans was the catalyst for the much needed escape.

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Have you cried…an ugly, nasty cry? Seeking healthy manhood!

Have you really cried…I mean ugly cry. The cry that you want no one to see, yet it feels so much better after it is all over.

I only witnessed my father cry one time, and I will never forget it. I was so confused, did not understand…but watched mhim never talk about that day ever again. 

Joseph Gelfer writes in his latest exploration titled “We Need to ‘Undefine’ Masculinity” and exploration of gender roles and how we define this idea of what it means to be a man.

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